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Diploma Course in English Language Teaching


This is a major programme of the Institute, which is meant for English teachers at Primary, Upper Primary, High School and Intermediate levels in the government as well as in the aided schools. In the beginning it was a four months' residential course which has now been revised as three months' Diploma course involving one and a half month of stay at the Institute. The main thrust of the programme is to enhance the teachers' understanding of learners, the learning process, the nature and structure of language, and the teaching of it in terms of new and more effective methodologies of classroom management, material selection and evaluation. The intake is 50 for a Diploma course. The minimum qualification for this course is Graduation with English as one of the subjects at that level. A certificate is awarded to the successful candidates by the Registrar, Departmental Examinations, Uttar Pradesh.

Major Components of the Diploma course:

  1. Theory Papers
    1. Linguistics and language
    2. Phonetics and spoken English
    3. Methods of Teaching English (I)
    4. Methods of Teaching English (II)
  2. Practice Teaching
    1. The trainees are required to teach 15 lessons each in class VI, VII, and VIII at the Government Demonstration School. They prepare lesson plans to teach structures, poems, prose passages and compositions.
  3. Assignment
    1. The trainees are given assignments related to the above mentioned papers which they have to complete under the guidance of the concerned tutors.
  4. Viva-Voce
    1. At the end of the training the candidates undergo a viva-voce test which covers their knowledge of all the theory papers in which they have been examined and also the practical knowledge they have received during the practice teaching session.